Sunday 23 February 2014

Artist's pick

Studio time is incredibly precious now that my previously uncomplicated timetable (uncomplicated meaning almost non-existent) has suddenly become overrun with a plethora (current favourite word) of meetings and preparatory lectures. As a side note, this term is frightening and - as one of our guest speakers recently divulged - I may or may not be bracing myself for a post-art degree mental breakdown. I can only imagine visible symptoms to be something like an inescapable urge to scrawl 'R. Mutt' on urinals, whilst holding one-sided conversations with Damien Hirst in my parents' garage. I'll deal with that as it happens. 

Regardless of this potentially impending state, I have gathered lots of nice images of my ever-changing studio space and shall share them most unselfishly with the internet. 

These are my particular favourites and have informed some of the work I used to apply for New Contemporaries, as well as a piece that is now being exhibited at Millennium Gallery, as part of the exhibition Fabricate. 

See you soon x

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