Sunday 13 January 2013

Artist input from my mum

Pillaging Berlin's artist post cards and gallery tickets

Ursa Major 2007
Ursa Major, 2007

I'd almost all but forgotten about an interesting and provocative exhibition I'd seen in Berlin in November (an onslaught of gallery visits over five days seemingly blurs into one outing three months on) but, before returning to university, my mother recounted some loose details of an artist she'd recently seen on television. Jonathan Yeo's body of work encompasses - most famously - painting grounded in realism and collages that, though equally as realistic, are compiled using graphic pornographic images. From a distance, you'd never know that his figures (some of them well-known faces like George Bush) are actually made up of penises, vaginas and explicit scenes. 

If his aim was to make us take a second look at the way we view images of the body, then he has succeeded. 

I certainly did.

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