Saturday 3 November 2012

Traces in sleep

No, I still can't sleep.

Last weekend, I stayed with my other half. We drifted off, holding one another. I was probably snoring.
I wake often in the night when we're together, usually just for a moment and then I fall back to sleep.

One night, I was woken by the 'where am I?' feeling, which I haven't been familiar with for a long time. Even though the minor confusion was fleeting, it unnerved me in a way I'd not felt before.
For that brief second, I believed that I was in my own bed and, although I felt someone else's arms around me, I was actually disinclined to accept this as reality. Instantly, I felt an indescribable loss, as my mind concluded that, however vivid it seemed, I was in fact dreaming. There were no arms holding me; it was just a trace I felt as the imaginary evaporated.

I must have roused Ash because she sighed hazily and asked if I was alright. I explained my disorientated waking.
The reasoning of my tired mind, misleading my senses, pierced my unwitting emotions. To my surprise, a tear rolled down my cheek in the darkness. Then another; then another.

"For a moment, I thought you weren't really here...", I whispered.

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