Wednesday 31 October 2012

Crit this

I love crit. I honestly do.

However, there are the occasional weeks where I ponder why on earth I am standing in amongst a group of young adults, straining to see meaning in some raw, 'experimental' art work at 9.30am.
It's not that I don't appreciate the opportunity to see other class mates' work, and I am certainly more than grateful for the fact that my work is given the same amount of consideration.
But sometimes it just feels cruel.

I don't mean 'cruel' in a human sense - by all means, crit should absolutely be the place for brutal honesty, tears and questioning what you're doing with your life - but more in the sense that the work itself can seemingly be discussed until it's lying cold and lifeless on the ground. All of the mystery and intrigue of an art work can be interrogated away; the sheen of ambiguity is lost.


It's probably when the work survives this process that you know you're discovering something worth your time.

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